The Cofounder's Satisfaction Survey

Are you Satisfied?

The cofounder partnership forms the foundation of your business. You and your cofounder must quickly learn how to collaborate effectively and navigate crucial decisions as a team. As you make key decisions, it’s essential to strive for unity and ensure that everyone is aligned and satisfied with the outcomes. Your ability to work through these important decisions together will set the stage for a strong and successful working relationship moving forward.

It’s time to assess your satisfaction with your cofounder partnership. This survey aims to gather insights on various aspects of your cofounder relationship, including communication, decision-making, trust, and overall collaboration. Your honest feedback will help us identify strengths and areas for improvement in your partnership, enabling us to support you in achieving your business goals.

Please Note: All information submitted is private and confidential and used strictly by your coach for coaching purposes. We do not share these responses with your cofounder.

Survey completion time: 6 minutes.

Cofounder Satisfaction Survey
Your full name
Your cofounder's full name
Company name
Your E-mail address

INSTRUCTIONS: If you have more than one cofounder, you need to complete a separate survey for each of the cofounders.

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your cofounder partnership?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How do you think your cofounder would rate their overall satisfaction with your cofounder partnership?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the state of your communication?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the state of your communication?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with your decision-making process together?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with your decision-making process together?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the role you have within your business?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the role they have within the business?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the amount of time your cofounder spends in the business?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the amount of time you spend in the business?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with how you and your cofounder are handling personal compensation?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with how you and your cofounder are handling personal compensation?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the delegation of responsibilities between you and your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the delegation of responsibilities between you and your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the contribution your cofounder has made to the business to date?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the contribution you've made to the business to date?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the level of trust between you and your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the level of trust between you and your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the level of transparency in your partnership?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the level of transparency in your partnership?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the level of autonomy that you have in decision-making within the partnership?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the level of autonomy that you have in decision-making within the partnership?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with how you and your cofounder manage conflicts or disagreements when they arise?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with how you and your cofounder manage conflicts or disagreements when they arise?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with your ability to express concerns or disagreements with your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with expressing concerns or disagreements with you?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the level of risk your cofounder is willing to take?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the level of risk you're willing to take?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with the equity split between you and your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with the equity split between you and your cofounder?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied are you with how your cofounder manages the company's finances?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
How satisfied do you think your cofounder is with how you manage the company's finances?
1 - Totally dissatisfied 10 - Totally satisfied
The Cofounder's

An A-Z guide for those in, or searching for, a business partnership.

The Cofounder’s Handbook provides insight, practical advice, and proven tips from actual real-world cofounders on how to build and maintain a rewarding partnership.

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