Looking for a cofounder?

We get it! Finding a cofounder can be hard, but don't be discouraged...

At The Cofounder’s Hub, our mission is to support you throughout your cofoundership journey. To make this possible, we are excited to introduce The Cofounder Connection, a matchmaking service designed to help you find the perfect cofounder who aligns with your specific criteria. Participation is simple and completely free. Just fill out the questionnaire below to introduce yourself, and we’ll securely store your information in our private, confidential database. When a potential cofounder matches your preferences, we’ll notify you via email and facilitate the introduction. From there, it’s up to you to take the next step!

Cofounder Connection

About You

NOTE: The four questions in this box will not be shared with candidates until BOTH have expressed interest in connecting. Only then will your name, email and LinkedIn profile name be shared.


Other than English, are you fluent in any other languages?
Do you require your cofounder to be fluent in any other language other than English? Write them down below.


Do you have a business, or business idea? Please select the option(s) that best describe your current preference and situation.
0 of 1000 max characters
If you have a business, or business idea, what industry is it in?
If you don't have a business or business idea, what is the industry you'd like to build a business in? If it doesn't matter to you, select "No preference"

Your Role and Skill Set

Which of these best describe your likely role as a cofounder? (Check all that apply)
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Because you checked "Technical Cofounder", please state which areas you are proficient in below:

Your Cofounder's Role and Skill Set

Which of these best describe what role you're looking for in a cofounder? (Check all that apply)
0 of 1000 max characters
0 of 1000 max characters
0 of 1000 max characters


Are you comfortable having a remote cofounder? (If you are not, we will look for cofounders in the city and province/state you are living in).
If you're comfortable having a remote cofounder, select all locations that you would be comfortable having a cofounder in.

Final Thoughts

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0 of 1000 max characters
The Cofounder's

An A-Z guide for those in, or searching for, a business partnership.

The Cofounder’s Handbook provides insight, practical advice, and proven tips from actual real-world cofounders on how to build and maintain a rewarding partnership.