the hub
Helping you navigate and build a successful cofounder partnership.
Every partnership is a journey.
At The Cofounder's hub, we walk beside you as you navigate your partnership. Whether you are starting out or have been partners for decades, we provide the guidance and tools to ensure that your partnership is, and stays strong.

The Cofounder's


Do you know what you need in a cofounder?

There are a myriad of factors you might not have considered prior to constructing your business partner wish list.  Identify traits and skill sets that may be better search criteria for your “perfect cofounder” by taking The Cofounder’s Self Assessment.

Create a complete picture of yourself and find out what pieces of the puzzle are missing in your journey to success.

The Cofounder's

Are you looking for a cofounder? We’ve got you covered.

Finding the perfect cofounder can be challenging and time consuming. Our aim at The Cofounder’s Hub is to support your cofoundership journey, starting from the very beginning. With our cofounder matchmaking service, all you have to do is tell us who you are and what you’re looking for, and leave the rest to us.

Find the perfect cofounder and kickstart your business today!

The Cofounder's

Keep partnership risk at bay.

Your cofounder partnership is the foundation of your business. Our newsletter delivers all the necessary resources, articles, tools, and announcements that you will need to keep your partnership healthy and intentional — all in 5 minutes or less!

The Cofounder's

An A-Z guide for those in, or searching for, a business partnership.

The Cofounder’s Handbook provides insight, practical advice, and proven tips from actual real-world cofounders on how to build and maintain a rewarding partnership.

Have something to say?
Let us know!

Send us a message and let us know how we can be of help.

The Cofounder's Newsletter

All your Cofoundership needs in 5 minutes or less.

Read by current cofounders, future cofounders, and those who don’t yet know if they need a cofounder.

Inside your inbox, our weekly newsletter will arrive packed with valuable content to enhance your cofounder experience.